Due to the exceptional circumstances, we organised a virtual DAFx2020: the eDAFx2020 (Sept. 9-11, 2020), which was a big success as we reached a broad audience. This will by no means replace the in-person conference, which is postponed until September 2021. The following was the programme of the eDAFx2020, where all times are Vienna based (GMT+2)
Audiovisual presentations were submitted on a voluntary basis and constitute 3/4 of the accepted papers. The title and authors of those papers which are not virtually presented are rendered in a lighter gray color and without camera; you can only access abstract and paper in that case.
[click on each paper title to access the abstract],
[click on the authors to reach the paper],
[click on the DAFx2020 movie camera to reach the audiovisual presentation],
[click on the venue links to find the youtube live stream (each day different)],
[click on the coloured cameras to watch the lightly edited video of the corresponding session]
[The playlist of the edited videos can be found here